Uddeshya Raj profile picture


B.Tech student and Competitive Programmer

Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Assam University, Silchar

I am a Computer Science and Engineering student at Assam University, Silchar. I also am a Competitive Programmer on Hackerrank. My intrests are Data Sciences, Artificial Intelligence, Cyber Security and Web-developement. My projects include My own home page, a photo album where I put some scenic screenshots while palying games, front page of a E-commerce website, a Snake Game and a newsfeed website. I like solving riddles/problems, playing games and reading Agatha Christie and science fiction novels.


Projects and Competitions

Achievements Description
Hackerrank Hackfest 2020 Bronze Medal. Rank: 1700/8500
Problem Solver Title 4 star silver badge for "Problem Solving" on Hackerrank
Online News Headlines webpage Displayed newsfeed from Google News using RSS Feed
Online Photo Album Had some scenic screenshots form "The Witcher 3"


Data Structures ☆☆☆☆
Algorithms ☆☆☆
Problem Solving ☆☆☆☆☆
C Language ☆☆☆☆
Java ☆☆☆
Public Speaking ☆☆☆☆
Painting ☆☆☆

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